
all Veronicas are like that

Also just having the text of the code doesn't make a program live and moving that text between computers doesn't do anything if it's not compiled, like how a script isn't a show until you shoot it. They should've printed it out and handed that over instead if it was potentially dangerous, I was rolling my eyes.

All the memory scenes were letterboxed.

It's been great to have a super streamlined show, no tangents, no filler. They made every moment mean something.

Yes, the change of perspective and focus has been wonderful. Shifting to Diane was a great move.

I've read that Scott Adams theory and I think he's mostly wrong. DT's talent isn't persuasion, it's picking a good mark. He is speaking to people who have always believed what he is now saying, I don't think he has convinced anyone of anything, he just found the easiest group of people to manipulate.

There's literally dozens of us!

I wept when he said he was specifically 35

Spoilers I guess.

idk if this was sarcasm but someone actually did look at the book covers lolita has gotten, it's an interesting/revealing overview

I have a google doc where I record what I watch every day and then at the end of the year I analyze my own trends. Totally normal.

I've tried so hard to like Rick & Morty because a bunch of my friends do and I liked community blah blah blah, but I find it totally empty and kind of a waste of time, everything its doing something else is doing better imo

I also hope she loses but just bc I like Prady so much and want him to stick around for next year

I wanted them to get rid of her but couldn't get over her dying from a half accidental stab wound, I mean, people survive being stabbed.

During the month that we were breaking up my boyfriend at the time was heavily into Dexter. I associated the neglect and and pain that I felt with the show just because the timing coincided and pretty much hated it since then. Maybe he did me a favor though.

Sadly, I probably watch about that amount

I was convinced during that scene he was going to kill her and the show would take a completely left turn from Cary's trial. I was so stressed out by the time he snapped at her, which Bishop never does (!), I needed a fainting couch and smelling salts.

Love the irony of T Swift being called inclusive and a champion of self esteem when so much of her work is literally about distinguishing herself as better than other girls and therefore more worthy of male attention.