romanes eunt domus

He's been good in non Red Hood comics the past few years I thought. A glowering, sarcastic presence that was fun in small doses.

I seem to remember that's how the Barbie doll started actually.

I don't know? Italy? But by pandering I meant rather what Scrawler said earlier, the revenge fantasy with guns and overbearing father figure in a quest to save his poor delicate flower of a daughter, which, seen through the prism of unfortunate prejudices, sounds very "American".

I'm French. Taken is wildly regarded here as a not even entertaining piece of forgettable shit. And honestly, they wouldn't have picked Albania for France either.

Forget it, TJ Truffleberry, it's Europetown.

Glad to see I'm not the only one annoyed and horrified by this fatherhood fantasy. See also Joe in the Flash, a character that makes me really uncomfortable.

It's also really pandering to an American audience. The whole Europe as a terrifying lawless place thing seems to indicate that.

The thought is unbearable.

No sir I didn't see you play with your dolls again!

That's the one, yes.

The Darkseid War issue he wrote for Green Lantern was amazing. And the art was gorgeous.

You won't regret it. These books manage to be both thoughtful and highly entertaining.

I loved Sheriff of Babylon, and I'm very happy to see it featured here. I'm excited to see where it goes. I really liked Robin War as well, despite the art. Tom King's ability to write rambling yet never boring dialogue is what I admire most in his work, I believe. My favourite issue of Omega Men is the one where Kyle


Things went from bad to worse when the holonet bubble burst. Many Bothans were ruined overnight.

I'm partial to Highland Park.

I like the actor, the reverse casting (Brutish, rough looking brother is actually the smart one) was a clever choice, I thought.

Sorry, I just binge watched it so I didn't really follow the reactions to it. I don't think it's new and original, and so what? What should original be a synonym to good?

Seems like you're trying to reignite the Quarrel of the Ancients and the Moderns. Originality might be important in something that tries to be new and original. Here it's something else.

Same here I remember the review for the episode where Simone gets killed (?). The reviewer wrote that the scene was lost to him, because he didn't care a bit about the character. But the thing is I do care about Bear's character, so it made the scene powerful for me.