h. pr0n benjamin

I wonder if it was a comment on people dying from those types of surgeries.

Her warmth and positivity absolutely shone through.

Xanax o'clock!

are you saying Melissa has Photoshopped her life with better decisions [Jerry] ?

I laughed a lot at how long the bowling pin gag lasted, with Tandy determined to "get a spare."
yup, that's the part that made it work. I was cracking up as he had to get every last one.

A WinRAR is you!

Episode 148 "Wipeout!"

waste of time without the links to the auction listings

She supposedly has a podcast coming out…Jackie Kashian mentioned on an ep of Jackie & Laurie show. Hopefully a place to hear those stories!

the F stands for Fuckin'

"Loneliness" not a factor in this perfect storm?

he played the president of the Good Little Boys on Comedy Bang Bang very convincingly.

The closed captions had Devonté, which I quite liked. It seems pretty cool any way one spells it.

upvoted for Zapf Dingbats

"Dang, that is a sweet earth," you might say.

next time, on a very special Wainy Days

Adam DeVine told me to get Allstate insurance and SimCity.

if the AV Club does a "Worst twitter handles of 2017" to go along with the yearly Worst Band Names feature, I nominate @SwagThug4Lyfe for top honors.

yeah, I had to write in Never Not Funny, ffs.