h. pr0n benjamin

But what of SKANARCHY vols 1-3??

Moonlight (Feels Right) is a great answer. Don't second-guess yerself. I scrolled all this way to make sure someone had mentioned it!

that's the one with "Busted by Lee Russell," right? Great ep.

Her show sounds like a complete ripoff of Playing House. Thumbs down.

You put it on a bun, with some combination of ketchup/mustard/pickles/onions according to your preferences.

her voice reminds me of Catherine O'Hara as Moira Rose on Schitt's Creek

have you considered a career in crossword construction?

"Ray's the cat" = "Raise the cat" !

Test posting under an old review because the last time I commented it said I was banned.

like PubLIZity, it's based off her name.

upvoted for "Adore Delano as a Project Runway theme" because that made me LOL.

"Here's a red rubber ball! Perhaps you'd like to bounce it."

you know what, I had personally envisioned wall-to-wall tacky, but your comment makes a lot of sense.

Handmaid's Tale would -___-

re: anxiety dreams, I was thinking the same thing! I've had that happen in dreams so many times—for me, it's trying to get out of a mall/airport/skywalk.

Scheer tweeted out the link to the Youtube, and it was pretty spot-on to Ann Curry.

nice buzz marketing for her Wild Horses improv troupe.

it seemed like something that could have been taught at a "Promise Keeper" meeting or other type of fundamentalist group.