h. pr0n benjamin

Mike Judge, Mike Mills, Mike Lane.

Todd's overlong description of the Mr. T keychain was perfectly Fortean.

"If anyone wants to hang, I will be at Subway"

He was looking good at the Emmys on Sunday. It's his time to shine in the Nine-Nine!

with one of Ani's knives he could get some real scratching done.

let's hope the prosecution doesn't bring a cat expert on the stand. "Cats rush to their empty food dishes even if they were fed 20 minutes ago!"

something with dogs - "no, dogs" [?]

He *is* however, a former summer camp counselor in a loving relationship with Michael Ian Black.

This one comes from KillWeginald. His pictuwe's like…a tape weawing wed sunglasses goin' "Hewe I come!"

We have a saying around here: "Let Michigan handle it."

I remember that! He got his nephew (played by Paul Rubens) a job as one of Murphy's revolving-door secretaries.

"Why don't you eat a decroded piece of crap, Gamby?" "Make me, GOSH!"

it made the sentence tricky to parse. "Wait, who's middle aged? What? Oh no."

"Due process in a court of law and all that. Look at my suit!"

Count me as also v. sad to see the CBBTV reviews going. LaToya, I've always enjoyed the depth and enthusiasm you bring to each review! (This show and others). As for the ep itself, I laughed a lot and Scott's wig was an absolute delight.

Dammit, Jerry, you couldn't even get mentioned in the Another Period review!

I'm just glad we all like "Cloud Botherer"

slicing the candle on the bias too, what flair!

Varys turning around after Tyrion called out to him was fairly touching, if clichéd. Maybe that's why I liked it.
