Just Throwing That Out There

Whoops. Took too long typing. Damn blindness.

PB: on the back of the DVD label where it lists the available languages in tiny print, the correct version reads SUBTITLES: ENGLISH (Theatrical), whereas the crap version simply reads ENGLISH.

It's out there. I picked one up about a month ago at my local Best Buy.

Chase, for all of Proto Man's reasons, plus horribly disfiguring his partner was consistent with the rest of that season. Jack hurt or killed, like, everyone BUT the bad guys at the end of that season.

I was dragged to a few RBF shows by an old girlfriend. They were fun. Nothing at all remarkable, but fun. And it's impossible to stand still for their "Take on Me" cover.

Crazy Hotness
I really, definitely, for sure hope that this show heads away from the "when Jack tortures it's okay" sentiments it's been leaning on for years. And I don't even mean that in a political way; it's just boring sledgehammer writing. Hell, I always thought Season 6 had the best set up with Jack having

I hate it when characters just say how they feel! THIS MAKES ME SO ANGRY!

Mr. Fork:


Book spoilers ahoy…

Sherm: The crappy dvd subtitles remove a lot of the interpersonal textures of conversation, rendering some dialog nonsensical. And it also means most of the comic relief is gone. There are actually quite a few chuckle-worthy moments that are missing. So yeah, track down the theatrical subtitles if you can.

Regarding the cat scene, and to a lesser extent the "can you open the blinds?" scene, they both seem to me to be artistic decisions to show how bugfuck crazy that woman felt about becoming a vampire. She was near-hysterical by that point, and the scenes, I think, were meant to reflect that feeling.

Seconded. It's a very high-energy album opener and I'm kinda surprised it wasn't mentioned.

Barack Obama said that?

All right, who had Cronkite in the pool?

That was some bile spat out, there
The anger was just flowing off the screen.

Another one:

I did get a kick out of how he did it all so quickly, like he was just thinking of murder the whole time (not to say that's not something a guy in his spot might think). But usually 24 drops anvils of hints when something like that is about to happen. Here? Nope. The brother just ups and stabs the guy.

"When I say, 'Hello, Mr. Tippet' and stomp on your foot, you say 'Hello.'"
*I think he's talking to you*

That Chloe scene was great. I love that that episode closed with a shot of MLR, smoking machine gun in hand, looking shocked, confused, and slightly uncomfortable all at the same time.