Dan Hensch

Ignatiy, I'd like to formerly commend you for your repeated willingness to re-evaluate artists and their work in a fresh and daring way that is uninfluenced by the general consensus. (Wow, I did not mean to write a sentence like that…) I first noticed this in your article on Miami Vice.

Neither, sadly..

"a winding story that never uses unnecessary exposition or talks down to the audience" That's maybe what I appreciate most about it. It is brave enough not have unnecessary exposition/backstory.

This makes me happy. I have been defending this film vigorously since it's release (even though I am generally quite adverse to shaky camera-work, a very digital look, or Jamie Foxx).

More enjoyable than Venture Bros. or It's Always Sunny? I think not.

Grid rocked. And I also didn't get why everyone thought the handling of the cars in the first Shift was so realistic. Just because they were difficult and frustrating to handle doesn't make them realistic. I seem to remember that is was really tough just to drive straight. Real cars handle better.

1. The Dig
2. Full Throttle
3. Day of the Tentacle

Nearly every 4th film
For me an obvious choice would be (almost) all the terrible 4th films of what should have remained trilogies. Examples:

I thought it rocked.

NBC's state of affairs surprises me
Not being from the US, I had no idea that NBC is a failing network. I find this strange though, since it airs most of my favorite comedies, which I honestly assumed to be popular and successful.

This episode marked the jumping of the shark
…for me. I have been disappointed with this show on a general level since season 4 and the have been a number of not-so-great episodes. But it was this one that made me realize, that this is not the show I fell in love with and won't ever be it again. It used to be a witty

"At the Bottom of Everything" by Bright Eyes
It fits.

Ditto! Some nice insight there. Explains very well why so many genius musicians produce genius music in the context of a band but often disappoint when working solo.

Waterworld is underrated, I really liked Pitch Black as a teenager and A Perfect Getaway is pretty much perfect for what it is. I do think people are too hard on David Twohy's work.

I have never seen a minute of Glee…
…but somehow I still manage to despise it.

The bagpipe's not pretentious, just misunderstood. Also, the first band that it makes come to my mind are the Dropkick Murphys - which I don't consider pretentious at all.

Well said.

Robin Tunney vs. Amanda Righetti
I actually think Robin Tunney not only acts extremely well in her role as Lisbon, but is also very sexy. Amanda Righetti on the other hand does nothing for me. I don't dislike her and neither would I claim that she is not good-looking. It's just that I get zero sexual tension from her.