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    I don't know how they expect to pull it off without John-Boy.

    The likenesses aren't perfect, and I like the way that the most instantly recognizable one is Vasquez.

    IIIII shot the sheeerrriiiiiiiiifff…

    Tu true

    Yes, have some.

    They finally produced a live Dikachu.

    You'll need your rooty tooty point and shooty.

    Just look at the flowers, you meddling kids.

    The Zombie Is Right.

    Lycanthrope a party to celebrate this weekend if you want.

    But a greyhound fur tuxedo would be best.

    I want to see Beast pop Gaston's head open with his bare hands.

    Chapter Three: Making Ricin, a Beginner's Guide

    Isn't he that guy? Did that thing?

    Pics or gtfo

    No Lithgow, no sale.

    It might have been clearer if I'd said THE german version.

    All this tells me is that he's been dead for years.

    That's okay. After awhile, it's so second nature and you become so inured to it that it slowly loses all meaning for a person. A good, straightforward reminder is helpful.

    I want to attend Usher's Reeducation Camp for Wayward Honkeys.