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    What time? My Thursday is just a mess right now.

    So are comments just fucked up in some fun new way or am I being punished for something?

    That's not even a real dick.

    It's an ICE fishing show.

    I used to think that joke was hilarious, but then of course I went back and watched it again as well, and now feel actual shame about the whole thing.


    That's a tremendous relief.

    Wish she was writing a four part getting-cancelled-by-HBO story, right?

    I wonder if he still struggles with his addiction to eating the female species raw like sushi.

    Santa: Blood On The Snow

    I'd like the other characters on TWD to do what Beth did and please get some new clothes. There must be plenty out there. Just go find some. Anything at all. Please stop wearing rags. You look like you're being dressed by some kind of TV costume designers or something.


    She was a big girl, yes.

    Agreed. My great aunt Dorothy is obese, and she routinely threatens to eat midgets.

    In this version, it's revealed that Manson went insane because of those disrespectful skater kids making all that noise near his Death Valley squat.

    Not the way I play.

    "and by co-starring in the Stallone/Schwarzenegger prison film Escape Plan, he’s even worked with caged dinosaurs"

    Finally, an opportunity to be glad I can't watch videos at work.

    Yes forgotten.

    I don't think so, I'm cuckoo about it.