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    very box office

    Disagreeing, yes. I felt the same way about Skylar on BB.

    Well, the article states the obvious: that it's interesting timing. But I don't think it's a very apt assessment. Granted, paying slightly better attention to their female characters while they fine tune the season may come of these criticisms, but I hardly think they're going to scrap a season they must already be

    Both of us.

    Yup. Just yup.

    Hear, hear.

    Sevigny's already on a gritty cop procedural.

    I think the characterization of Monaghan as a shrew is pure bullshit anyway.

    I doubt very much that that was (or would be) the impetus for casting women. It's a pointless complaint.

    It was the style at the time.

    I know all those words, but this article doesn't make sense.

    You're right, sometimes I forget. It was meant to be one-off term like "neo-liberal" or "modern liberal." My face is red.

    And even Hot Black Asses and Big White Dicks Volume 24 is less racist.

    Fucking absinthe without the intoxicants. Why?

    Never stop.

    I don't understand why any piece of filmed fiction that doesn't depict a morally upright neoliberal's ideal perfect world is somehow promoting it's opposite. Apparently every movie and television show should be a group of ethnically and gender-diverse people sitting around a table discussing the pains of inequity and

    Yes, I remember.

    Every time I think that there's not much going on over there these days, I forget to log in for a week and when I come back there's been a lot of activity. It's hard to say.

    You can "transfer" it over or whatever, right? I am not gud with computr.

    I remember years ago I went to LA to visit friends, and I got sick. Vodka brought my temperature right the fuck down.