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    Wait, if David Shore is the producer and showrunner, what exactly is Gilligan's role?

    If it bothers you so much, I've heard they don't get any BB news updates

    Not sure. Any more time in that cabin and Walt would've become a hoarder maybe? Marah should explain the correlation, if you ask me, this is too vague.

    I think I'll just rent Foam instead.

    I've seen those domesticated foxes, and I want one. Although at the same time it seems a little evil.


    What Star Wars prequels?

    I liked Stranger Than Fiction.

    Better than EEEEEEE.

    All the Skyler hate is just silly.

    I was going to say, "what?" again, but I decided to just look it up, instead. Holy shit, I had no idea there were so many wild peafowl in North America.

    You're not Zeus?

    There's one that lives in a neighbor's garage behind my house. He only comes out at night. They're freaky.

    Forsworn boots, some kind of robe, and the Jester's Hat. Standing in the middle of a field near Whiterun.

    1.) Thank you for this: "some might have assumed that the mention of the Dustin Hoffman family film was just a throwaway joke, as well as a way of illustrating the depths of despair to which Walter White has dug himself"

    Wait, peacocks?

    I thought this said "Submit Thread" so I put my ball gag in and didn't read it correctly  until I was halfway into my chaps.

    Still better than Jameson's. Gimme gimme Black Bush.

    How could you forget about the boobies?

    I have enough faith in the AVC that I'm personally willing to wait and see how things evolve over the next year. After such an abrupt and decidedly major change in the writing staff, you have to expect a clunky transition.