
okay I googled "blue monkey meaning" and it gave me:

okay I googled "blue monkey meaning" and it gave me:

I'm not sure I buy it but parker posey's unfulfilled death was just too dark for me so I'm trying my damndest.

I'm not sure I buy it but parker posey's unfulfilled death was just too dark for me so I'm trying my damndest.

The way it played out was probably the best it could have possibly gone for the character. Actually being the host of the Late Show would have been a nightmare for him, he would have been separated from his daughters more than either he or they would like, and he also didn't fail. He succeeded as far as the executives

The way it played out was probably the best it could have possibly gone for the character. Actually being the host of the Late Show would have been a nightmare for him, he would have been separated from his daughters more than either he or they would like, and he also didn't fail. He succeeded as far as the executives

I saw the ending as a bit of satire on the idea. To me him shouting "I did it!" at the Letterman theater at the end was less a triumph regarding his ability to succeed at his ultimately meaningless demo taping and instead a declaration that he managed to weasel his way out of something he didn't really want in the

I saw the ending as a bit of satire on the idea. To me him shouting "I did it!" at the Letterman theater at the end was less a triumph regarding his ability to succeed at his ultimately meaningless demo taping and instead a declaration that he managed to weasel his way out of something he didn't really want in the

I think everybody saying she is 'crazy' or trying to diagnose her are looking at it too simply.

I think everybody saying she is 'crazy' or trying to diagnose her are looking at it too simply.

He writes rap songs about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Nintendo. That's what it means.

He writes rap songs about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Nintendo. That's what it means.

So who won the embarrassingly reductionist view of Black people or the embarrassingly reductionist view of Gay people?

Say, this list wasn't assembled by white pop culture nerds was it? Sorry if I'm being presumptuous, I just got that vibe somehow.

So it sounds like this show is easy to enjoy if you use mental conditioning to force yourself to enjoy it

Stop putting your finger in your asshole in the movie theater then

Yeah, that was how I saw it as well. I can see how some people saw it as a whiney "ugh executives just don't GET IT" sketch, but I thought the fact that she just sort of drifted away was interesting. I think her promises were legitimate but she just has so much privilege in her life that she's able to make

The Joan Rivers episode was probably the weakest so far IMO. I think that one fell just short of earning the idea of Rivers as a veteran sage of comedy and as a result it felt a bit hollow and weirdly (for this show) filtered through a lens of over-idealism.

Historically inaccurate level of shenanigans.

I've seen the last 5 min of every episode of Wilfred so far just because it comes on before Louie. It's kind of a weird way to take in a show: the ending is always intriguing and I like watching it but I feel like if I saw any of the preceding 18 min it would spoil everything.