
ok, so I forgot about that one…
don't mind me…

LaDouche is LaCorrect
I hope I don't sound impatient, but I mean REALLY. Where oh where is the In Rainbows review?

…that makes more sense. Thanks, Josh.

That clip

Is the AVC going to post an In Rainbows review today?

Me too. Although you have to love that there are stiffer minimum penalties for drug posession than for a convicted felon having silencers and machine guns ("honestly, they're for hunting!").

The guessing game
I would also like to vote for exlax and Eddie Veder. Or Trojan and Creed.

Hey Nathan
I realize that you purposely talked around giving away any details of that story, but, please can you tell us? Or at least entertain guesses (my guess for the corporation = Camel)?

Gallon of Semen
Okay, how much time/effort would it take to actually accumulate a gallon of semen in one's stomach?

The AVC review
Who on the AVC staff is going to do the review? Will you review the electronic copy, or wait until the official CD release?

A fun game
You know what's fun? Read an AV Club article. Then, read the first two or three comments. THEN, scroll aaaallllll the way down to the bottom to see what the latest comment is talking about.

The best part about the new Radiohead Album
…is that I don't have to live under self-imposed-pop-culture-and-internet-exile for months in order to avoid leaks or descriptions of leaks.

year of flops…
…will this be an entry at some point in the future?

"What could you do with one of these for an entire month?"
Umm, rain down terror upon drive-thru window workers everywhere?

The trailer
Did anyone see that the trailer was shown last night during the daily show? And actually, there were a few long, expensive looking commercials. Anyone know anything about that?

I was at that same concert in Grant Park, in July of '01. And, yeah, they had no horns. But, shit, man, that was an awesome concert.

Hip-Hop's Zappa
I vote for Kanye West:

Hot damn
That song was great. I've always liked Jon Spencer, to the extent that I've liked it when i heard it, but never really got around to buying his albums (excpet Plastic Fang, I have that one). I'm thinking I should probably pick this one up.

Cover Art
Am I the only one who finds that cover art really creepy?