Felt Pelt

The Duellists is one of his best films. There's a script, and momentum, and a point (how utterly confusing and scary and absurd revenge/honor/duels would be). Harvey Keitel scares the bejesus out of me. He's still out there, mad at Keith Carradine, for some reason, trying to stab him.

Who killed Nerdherder? There's only one man for this case!

Americans have over a hundred words for "watch."

He certainly has had his share of creative input.

Showgirls tips its hand when Robert Davi and the woman from Orange Is The New Black go to see Berkley at her new job. That scene is played for laughs and/or ironic emotion, wrapped up and kissed off with "It must be weird not having anyone cum on you."

That would be cool too. I just assumed Westeros doesn't advance for millennia because everything is exaggerated/bigger than in real-life medieval times.

That sounds cool. I'll read that story if I can find it, and look up the video. Radiation as a cause for dragons is something I've never thought of. ASOIAF is very Dune-like, and I would love a Bene Gesserit riff.

I read Bitterblooms, all the stories in Sandkings.

There is some foreshadowing in the first book for Arya's future, google it at your peril.

Yoda cared nothing for grammar.

She's on a farm upstate, footloose and fancy free in the sideways universe.



If you have the same conversation with a stranger every week, it can get a little wearying, no matter the content. It creates chips for shoulders.

"Did he watch Lost?"
"Stop sounding so sure."

INT. AIRPORT. T-Dog and even less essential character say goodbye.

Can you tell us more? Was it just too precious? Were there any good jokes?

Oh, biters in this?

This answers why he was running in that other trailer.

It will end up being a faithful adaptation of Thundarr the Barbarian.