Felt Pelt

So, what you're saying is Carnivale is going to be on Starz?

"Forget the landing. Aim for the geese. They just made my list of things to do today."

We got it in 2001 with She Creature, starring Gil Billows, Carla Gugino and Rufus Sewell.

I got almost thirty to forty minutes in just out of sympathy for Eckhart. But it really was like a thirteen year old had written a treatment (or dictated one while playing with toys), and then that treatment had gone through a committee writing process which drained all the spark out of it.

Gendry looks a little like Cillian Murphy. I think they should follow the Nolan-Batman structure of Cillian Murphy cameos, and just have him keep showing up in different places (rather like the books).

If you run into an werewolf in the evening, you ran into a werewolf. If you run into werewolves all day, you're the werewolf.

The world is still reeling.

There's a little known masterpiece called The Tomb with Sybil Danning that did about all they could do with sexy mummies. Everyone just threw up their hands and went to unexplored territory, like vampires.

I am blissfully unaware of these ads. This was a pretty fabulous (free) experience, just a guy bored on his way to his work. He had plenty of opportunities to flee but he just kind of stood around and helped me.

Oh Liv Tyler was a competent elf maid, and I wish she were mine,
she never drank water, she always drank fion

More Sopranos: Was expecting a little more at the end of Season 3, a bit too much of the patented anticlimax I thought. But still really love Tony's aggravations and these sonsofabitches. Started S4, which I've seen. Will Arnett is glimpsed as a FBI husband, Tony Hale having been a doctor for one second. (Omar/Michael

Uh… no… witness protection…

*Luke crosses Wedge's name off list, puts on lipstick*

2016: Jesus
2017: Restraint
2018: Privacy
2019: Hangin' With Mr. Cooper

This is all about making thinking Yankton think Olyphant has pull in Montana.

I look forward to your eventual friendship with Teddy Roosevelt. He caught a boat thief and took him to you, then later you built him a monument and were buried next to it.

Future: For people reading this who haven't finished the series, there are spoilers in the comments below. So don't read this message board yet until you get to the end of the series, or you'll find out here.

From the future: I just want to highlight AJ's excuse for not wrapping The Matrix: "I would have wrapped it, but it's bad for the environment."

I've refrained from script reading but I couldn't help looking. I'm excited JJL gets to be goofy, and in a better movie than usual.
