Felt Pelt

The most consistent part of the show was its interest in pretty aerial shots of highways. I think they're supposed to represent the characters entering into a time-space bridge, like in Transformers S1.

The A.V. Club

I was just reading a book that said the influx of Russian Jews to Israel (what Wikipedia calls the "1990s Post-Soviet aliyah") caused Israel not to rely on Palestinians so much for labor, therefore allowing them to be more hawk-like in their foreign policy and reject the peace process. You may have been kidding, but

True Detective Season 2.

That was my problem with it. I skipped ahead to some of the ending scenes and it just seemed like a straight B-movie in expensive clothing. Which might be fine in a different mood.

From the Future: Just want to say the product placement of Whitman's Sampler referred to previously came here, and worked regardless of Sopranos being subsidized by free chocolates (as detailed in comments of the previous article). Paulie throws it on the bed of the comatose man, and when Tony leaves Vito opens the

I don't know. Is H.H. Holmes a flamboyant villain, like Calvin Candie? I don't always like the DiCaprio when the character he plays is mostly internal (and I don't really relish the prospect of him being nastily intense, without humor, to helpless women over and over). I find I enjoy him more with showy roles. He's

Joe Biden is a down-on-his-luck police sergeant. Aaron Eckhart is a charismatic crusading attorney. Christian Bale plays Christian Bale, wealthy industrialist playboy. Nothing happens. They brood.

Especially with the much more intense shootout in episode 4, it certainly was a lot of smoke.

We even got Nails' origin story. Apparently he had been tortured with nails, and Frank saved him, I think. He's the Batman of Nails.

I am with you. Here's how I see it going down: Nails marries Mrs. Semyon and they adopt. Bezzerides becomes a whittler.

"You're a bad actor, take it from me." Given all the rants against the pair, if this was not in the original run of scripts and is a reaction to their performances, it's an extremely cruel thing to force her to say. For my money, she did a good job, Vaughn was miscast.

The Deadline article says it "grossed 226 million and did especially strong business overseas." It would be fun to take over a movie like this with no expectations and a blank check. As long as it has witches in it, you could do anything.

But I haven't been graced by his whimsy. How will I find grace?

Of the Fuck Mountain Shitheads?

And Chancellor Puddinghead is also leading in the polls.

They're a lot more charming not dead.

First prize was a Lincoln Continental.
Second prize was a autographed copy of Ligotti.
Third prize is all life has been a dream, and like a lot of them, prize bags.

Love reading old books like that. I've read some of Yellow and Nemo, and my friend loves Katzenjammer, but as far the history goes all I remember is Art Spiegelman's summing up of Sunday funnies:

He's too young. They need to suggest they've been around since the beginning of time or they've never been born.