Felt Pelt

The suggestion I'd always see on here was Tom Noonan.

Outcast starring Nicholas Cage and Hayden Christensen: I just noticed this is on Netflix (the medieval Chinese "I am the White Ghost" one). Has anyone seen it? I would watch it now but I must sleep. I want to encourage its discussion.

Sopranos Season 2 Enjoying this more and more. Reading Todd's reviews, spoilers in the screencaps. To me it's almost a mistake to focus on the audience as culpable/the morality of killing when it's really like an alpha male version of Woody Allen (or Larry David aka Uncle Junior). Really like the small details of

I think to improve my hazy opinion of Flatliners you next need to tell me what was done with that money. Lined the pockets of orphans, supported research into actual Life After Death technology, helped make Falling Down, etc. The strongest memory is grainy Billy Baldwin amid naked bodies, which I would be curious to

Yes. And you come out looking smarter for it, and not a penny poorer.

Future here. Robert Patrick's role clicked for more than crying for me for the first time here. Tony's telling him he let him into the card game because he saw a profit could be read as T's anger at Scatino, and lying to himself about his inability to stop what he does from hurting a friend. As someone who bought

Had read this review before I watched D-Girl, found it very enjoyable. Watching episodes in a group puts less pressure on individual ones, as noted. Excited just to see Garafalo, Witt, Favreau, and Bernhardt, wish they were given more to do.

I went to the link. Most people gave it 5 stars. It is an hour long on Prime. In its related videos are many, many horse themed videos including one about the very odd looking Gypsy Vanner Horse.

- I like the 70's look for them both. In my opinion the only successful moment in Mr and Mrs Smith was the part where they're on the elevator and they look cool. Big glasses and moustaches and looking a little worn are good, and so much better than glossier versions of themselves.

Sadly they can only get off by making prestige pictures.

Everybody needs money. That's why they call it money.

I don't know. Sometimes the whole fun of a thing is being snarky.

Tommy Lee Jones' dramatic "I don't care" sold me on that whole Harrison Ford is a Fugitive business.

"Stan??" needs to be bigger. And circled by several R.I.P.s.

I think the comedic point is we don't care enough to engage with the show and unravel the details of its mysteries.

In the top right, he kind of looks like Gogol 13.

I think they really do carry leprosy, though it's not like Panic in the Streets or anything.

He is unused to demonstrated affection.

But surely, when the cards were down, as shown above, like at Charlie Brown's funeral, Snoopy would be overcome with narcissistic grief.

Charlie Brown = Robert Ford
Red Haired Girl = Jesse James
Linus = Charley Ford
Lucy = Dick Liddil