Felt Pelt

It's the natural answer to "It's like blue balls for your heart."

"Of course, Mr. Berlu— Oh hi Snoop, I didn't know it was you."

First thing I'd do is sit on my ass in front of this computer.

Accuracy would suggest sobriety. "These numbers are too accurate for pot smokers."

I appreciate the levity in sped up helicopters buzzing like fireflies. Maybe this is the long awaited change in tone away from funereal/grimdark/laborious.

Cave zombies. Good idea. We haven't done that yet.

Wow. I didn't think of that. The hair matches.

I would like to watch these characters brood in something else. There's a plot, but instead all they do is sit around and look sad and hold hands.

You've done the Lord's work. This should scroll up the screen at the start of the next episode.

It's like blue balls of the stomach.

And tough as himself.

Non sequitur outbursts about how great Stan was are my favorite thing that's happened this season.

Having seen the whole thing, I got a question. Are the songs original? I assume they're as real as the hit musical Electro/City, but I'm bad at Broadway.

Have we ever had a Patrick Bateman gimmick account? We probably have, but if so it would be perfect for Tell Us About Your Pop Culture Weekend.

He provides continuity and minority representation.

"Tom Cruise is a spy" about covers it, I think.

DEADWOOD SPOILERS FROM LIFE Burning the town down is mentioned in every other line of dialogue. Such blue balls. In real life the Gem burnt down, then the town burnt down, and gold mining records disappeared with it.

SPOILERS Vorenus and Pullo's friendship was one the strongest things. A really good pairing. They should at least be in a B movie as buddy cops. Disliked how Vorenus went out, fighting Romans at a checkpoint.

That's okay. I just finished Deadwood for the first time and love GoT, it's the best possible HBO-McShane news outside of Deadwood: Hooplehead Nights.

Oh, so he is the bad, bad guy? The Bible villain? Okay. I'll give them that.