Felt Pelt

Coppola's Bram Stoker's Kenny Roger's Roasters is really good for the first 2/3, and the ending turns it into a B movie. But what a great one.

Winona Ryder took the idea for remaking Dracula to Coppola, I think.

I celebrate all of Ben Foster's catalog, but I love him there. The movie seems secretly weighted to make him the hero.

I haven't seen much of Wolf Hall but I remember looking up Elizabeth Barton, the woman who prophesizes Henry's death. In real life he actually supported her very popular prophesies for awhile, before they turned critical of him.

Two Walston performances I really like: His senile old cop telling the same story over and over to his son about a guy getting his head blown off in O.C. and Stiggs. (Note: do not attempt to watch any other part of O.C. and Stiggs.)

Cryptonomicon and most of Stephenson's books would be better with endings. SPOILERS I felt a lot of sorrow at Shaftoe's death though, and his anger at the other main character as he dropped down, vs all the previous escapes. Kept expecting him to have secretly lived, and then the book just ended.

The end of Il Mercenario: Someone linked it on here. Climax of a movie by Corbucci I've never seen, scored to the Morricone song used in Kill Bill.

Can confirm, having recently watched it. He's such a drama queen, the way he says the line. It's in the first episode, and news of a family being slaughtered (who really were in real life, the Metzes) might cause people to leave his club, so he has to go downstairs and offer girls and drinks at discount.

Would you settle for them keeping him alive but giving him no screentime? That seems to be their plan.

I think it's just a general expression of contempt.

That was glorious, though. Best possible of all murder Santas

Having just gone through Deadwood one and a half times, this is great news. Finally, vengeance shall be ours for that wrong I just found out about. McShane shall return triumphant to HBO and scary as fucking hell.

Yeah, odds are he is Sam's overbearing psycho dad.

"Our new writer, Georgina Glass. She has written for, uh, Law & Order and… Goosebumps."

When the Faith Militant raids the brothel in S5, we can briefly see some darkened dicks along the floor.

They need

It would be fun to see Sarah Paulson's character return and coldly do some double dealing.

Johnny Burns finally snapped.

I don't think anyone could give Sarah enough to make that movie not be best high.

I can only read this in Chico Marx's voice.