Felt Pelt

It's Pulp Fiction again.

Have we already done a Goldberg Variations joke? There's no way we could have not.

Let me tell you a secret: there is no drought.

In other news, the actor who plays Bran seemed to confirm his return. So they recast Lannisters but not Starks. We'll have good continuity when Rickon lays everything to waste.

Didn't they also have high levels of radiation on their clothes?

All you need is a crown.

I'd be happy for a fanfic fourth season written by the actors.

Ed Harris is probably the best possible replacement, though it's preferable he have lines.

I demand if this show shows any lack of promise, David Milch and the Deadwood actors immediately take it over. To pay for HBO's past crimes.

I'd like to see a truly dark ending, with Velcoro doing a reverse Vader and gunning the other two cops in the back at Semyon's request, and Semyon gets the financially placid future we're all rooting for.

I agree next episode preview has SPOILERS no moustache on the moustachiest. Which could mean a time jump to adjust to everybody losing their jobs, and then being drawn back into the case. They will be drawn in by the sense they were set up, that the meth didn't explode accidentally. A la previous season.

Thank you, Cy, for remembering your fellow.

Yeah, the more stereotypical action elements (evil gangbangers and their explosive meth) gave way to the character beat of our heroes fucking up and realizing it. At least it's plot movement.

I love Dan Dority, and I would love to see modern Dan Dority's dirty dealing and outstanding displays of loyalty to an off-screen Swearengen.

Find the sweet ones, and create your own English speaking healthcare. It can help as much as a shrink to talk to a kind ear, no matter how you find it.

Finished Deadwood recently too. There's a point in the recaps here that there's a subtle ending in the last episode (which was pretty riveting even without a real one). SPOILERS: instead of banding together to save a blonde innocent's life like in the first episodes, the town's moral stalwarts assent to an innocent

Deadwood: Finished it, restarted it. Didn't have many problems with the third season. SPOILERS Am clueless about why H—steader shot himself in the head. Doesn't make any sense. He just gets upset arguing about a chalkboard in a farcical conversation, goes to the other room, and shotguns his face.

Yeah, I haven't seen the first movie, but I like my Jonah Jameson neurotic.

- Holly Hunter's lisp is very human. I approve of it.

Only going by the Apple IIe-NES Mario, I go with the blank slate designation. He's Italian, he's a plumber. He moves around. He's a corporate symbol with the minimal number of qualities for universality (this minimum also necessary to be rendered in 8-bit). His eyes are pixels, sclera-less, he betrays no emotion, his