Felt Pelt

I can hold it!

They were artistically cutting between oathkeeper Brienne giving into her worst impulses, towards revenge, away from protecting Sansa, and Ramsay Bolton stabbing a defenseless guy in a field, playing up the similarities. And they were giving Stannis the dignified send-off of no gore.

They have been securing a lot of lone towers, which means SPOILERS there could be a Tower of Joy flashback, which means a youngified Sean Bean could make a reappearance. There's a version on youtube editing Roy Dotrice's narration with illustrations into where it went in the books:

It kind of looks "Goodnight, Moon"-esque.

Wait. Strike that. Reverse it.

I also found the last few episodes very tense (just finished watching them for the first time, amazed someone else is posting here).

Future etc: An actor dying on "Line?" pretty funny. Liked the use of Lear, didn't like the fact that they had apparently planned his death-play with all of them sitting around in the dark.

As a fan of Runaway I agree with @candyoh:disqus it's not.

If any of Justified is available online streaming that's probably what I will do, after reading up on the real Deadwood. Lots of Deadwood actors in it. But I will look out for Kings. Cox is awesome.

We'll just file it under She's Having a Baby.

Yeah. Both Boldwood and Troy were undercooked in the film adaptation, so that final confrontation seems laughable. But Oak and B were well-written. It seems like Vinterberg should have taken more liberty with the plot than he did. He did tweak the ending a little, I think, as she says she won't marry him even at the

Thompson's line from October is burnt into my memory: "This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it."

Chappie: Low expectations made it enjoyable. Liked the stupidity of whatstheirnames teaching Chappie. Liked that it was basically Short Circuit, that ED 209 was there, that Hugh Jackman was way too roided out for his cubicle, which was ridiculous. Was kind of expecting a larger firefight at the end. More mechs to show

Well it would be plain bread. But it was french bread, the shape, seasoning and whatnot.

Here's the rundown. I had some toasted French bread with some Mexican cheese on it. I ate in a German restaurant yesterday. We watched Chappie.

The white background really makes it look like "Sexy Batman Sexy WW Sexy Superman" Amazon pages.

My friends pointed out something good about this film: the pace. It flies through a lot of images, ideas, and occurrences rather quickly, as opposed to other visually rich but plot and character light films. An idea is thrown out, and quickly mixed with other ideas, in a soup.

Broadcast also had songs inspired by it.

This seems like an accurate representation of the opening screen of a PC Game of Thrones adventure.