Felt Pelt

You magnificent bastard.

The problem for me is when the show takes an abrupt swerve into drama from humorous, farcical situations like Norma's group. I don't really believe in Soso's isolation because she's been kept out of a SNL skit. I don't expect it to have any dramatic effect. There needs to be more gradation between fun and dramatic,

Did he have any comments on how Lloyd himself?

Did you kill them? Just tell me you didn't kill them, Sexy Duck Cop.

American Hustle is enjoyable as people with fun bad hair yelling at each other for a few hours, and then the end is bad. Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner's stuff lands well.

That's a beautiful gross spaceship. I will say Staples like the MP artist clearly loves and is good at drawing heads getting blown off.

There's a lot of meta stuff in the film, and it's maybe the best writing-wise. Now now, and I noticed that not only does the camera pull in and hit Dark Helmet's helmet, but Colonel Sanders looks into it and jumps out of the way first.

CONTINUED VERONICA MARS SPOILERS The actor who played Sheriff Lamb, Michael Muhney, did so well making a one-note character compelling and interesting. His send-off screams "Guy is moving onto other show," though I don't know if that's the case. It's just so unceremonious. The rules of the real world suddenly apply.

Spaceballs: It had not changed. Two things that struck me were one, the best things in it were the successful mugging of Dark Helmet and Colonel Sanders, and two, as someone who loved both this and Star Wars, it's clear this is tone deaf to its source material, unlike Young Frankenstein, getting none of the details or

Rat torrents would be good. Maybe they're supernatural rats, that are accidentally downloaded via the internet. Damon and Stiles must stop them.

It would be really cool to see intense shaky cam fights starring Julia Stiles. She has the same default lack of expression Damon has in stuff, but it would either be empowering or silly. Maybe they could remake Haywire, but with Stiles.

The A.V. Club
This enormous woman will devour us all! AHHHHH!

As a child with access to HBO, I thought he was omnipresent and would always be. Looking at his imdb I'm not sure what I watched over and over with him in it. Of the ones listed he was most prominent in the Burbs, and of course his special. It was also an early Angelina Jolie/Ashley Judd situation where I thought him

I watched a little of the Aviator recently and was surprised to see him in a Scorsese prestige picture. But he looked so right with the 30's triangle moustache, as a fast talking press agent to Mr. Hughes (though why is the press agent getting cameras?), and performed admirably. He also was one of David's boyfriends

I celebrate the entirety of Ozzy Man's catalog. He's one of the best GoT recappers on the net, and he's known to show up in comments if we call him softly enough. Also I appreciate the return to this meme well after its cultural moment is over, a popular HBO show eating another.

Seen it too and agreed, it's excellently composed and acted. I think it ends at exactly the right place (without turning the lead into a monster for shock value, and staying true to the character), and the frustrating nature of his obsession is true to mental illness: you don't think your way out of it, it repeats.

No, I think that's definitely part of what they were getting across. Younger Chang was also isolated but clearly tried to be with her business partner (I was unclear if he acquiesced).

Starbucks: Australian for Katee Sackhoff

No, of course not, I would never utter the implication. But Myles was the man, he suffered, he was there. He watched all of it. Weeds was hypnotic. They kept shuffling and changing in desperate attempts to be good. It was unparalleled comfort food the same way this is. This makes me feel less guilty/confused as to why

I really liked the observational storytelling of Fritos cakemaking… at first it looked disgusting, then it looked great. Just quiet, unrushed storytelling. And you're right, that's often missing from this and other flashbacks, and the show as a whole. Because we're used to the rhythm we can often guess the point of a