Felt Pelt

He'll wait til midlife, realize that he doesn't have to be couped up in a mansion producing pop hits all life, go out to see the world and die of a heart attack.

I love Stannis, and it's been a rough couple of weeks. He ran out of food and decided to burn his daughter alive in the space of 30 minutes and then everyone deserted him and he died under a tree.

I thought they were affording him the dignity of not showing him with a cut throat.

This is similar to the "Jesse didn't really shoot the person he came to shoot because of the angle of his gun" on that Breaking Bad season end cliffhanger. I really want Stannis to live, I would love them to follow him further, but they were like "Look, it's Macbeth, you've got two episodes." And they did it.

This is similar to the "Jesse didn't really shoot the person he came to shoot because of the angle of his gun" on that Breaking Bad season end cliffhanger. I really want Stannis to live, I would love them to follow him further, but they were like "Look, it's Macbeth, you've got two episodes." And they did it.

Yes, but they kind of gave a begrudging positive-esque review to the first four episodes this year.

I think Sansa and Theon meant to hit the snowbank below them. Melisandre knows how to bring people back from the dead, and is at the Wall.

They had Informer on repeat.

The scene where they talk about the Storm's End siege and he makes him Hand in S2 I thought did justice to this. But tonight's end for Stan did no justice to their relationship. Davos look sad, Stannis dies offscreen was not super satisfying.

I loved the little bit of Depressed Macbeth Stannis we got, Dillane was excellent.

There is one House, missing for a while, that they will catch up on next season, but that's mostly it. A lot of the cliffhangers here are the cliffhangers at the end of the last book.

1) She wants whoever's tracking her (Daario/Jorah) to find it
2) She renounces worldly things
3) She's giving up on dragons
4) It was a gift from Hizdahr

Instead of the utter chaos of the books it was like a weird communion service, where every church member got up and said the ritual words and moved some blood around.

I had always loved reading Transformers reviews but had only made it halfway through the first. And then I watched Age of Extinction, and it was terrible on every level. It made me feel bad to watch it. I feel like they digitally extracted all the joy, and then they burnt it, and then they laced the frames with burnt

"More Oz, less Lifetime drama" is exactly my problem, on the fifth episode now. I really like it, but hopefully as the season goes on it mixes things up a bit more.

My favorite part was the hoodlum friend of Punisher who gets killed early on when he has to say a line that establishes the existence of the parkour gang. It's probably the stupidest line in the movie. "Oh? McGinty's free form crew?"

I'm not very far into it but looking at his wikipedia she must have mentioned him because those are exactly the terms she's using. Right now she's talking about South America. Friedman disciples from Chicago were influential with different administrations in Chile, Argentina, Brazil, and helped privatize their

Orange is the New Black Season 3: Four episodes in, enjoying it, but nothing has happened that seems that essential, or different from what has come before. Makes me want to hug Natasha Lyonne.

We didn't have unions.

Yep. Thank you. We just said "interlock."