zuesy ii drusus boogaloo

Everything is Obama's fault. Everything.

Shouldn't you be elsewhere calling women who won't fuck you SJW whores?

Dunno…Social Justice Gish does have a nice ring to it…

That…that…is in no way saying that you're a racist if you don't vote for it. As an actor, he probably wanted recognition for his role, one he hoped would propel his career. Sweet Enola Gay son, the entire premise of 'they say you're racist if you don't like Selma', is based on that? Wow.

There it is!! With all of the usual Internet troll speak (mis-using fallacies, left wing this, hipster that), I was wondering when you were going to break out the best one: SJW! Now I do know, racist or not, that you ARE an asshole.

well…since you've determined that people consider you a racist for not liking a movie, although nowhere does the "I didn't really like that movie" "Racist!" exchange take place in the entire comment section….you've shown yourself willing to marginalize legitimate struggles for equality…and become a victim of it at the

Well, I never said the Academy was racist. Nor did I claim you were if you didn't like Selma. Now all the other coded ass racist bullshit you've posted…that's another story.

Sigh. What is it with idiot Internet trolls and their complete inability to understand logical fallacies and apply them correctly beyond using them as a magic word to undermine any argument?

But she didn't say "tasteless". She said "she was offended" and intimated that they should have just not voiced their opinion (which is their right to do so). People in this country are of the strange opinion that racism can be fixed if the victims of it would just not be so uppity as to point it out. That's what

No, but saying that does. Because that's totally how it works…in the minds of racists. "They're out to get me for being white!"

I watched all of the best picture nominations. As far as the 'biopics': The Imitation Game was the worst (I half expected to hear "and next on BBC1" as the credits rolled). It was a nice performance (that was 180* from the truth) by Cumberbatch, but just a conventional biopic. Same for TToE - except it had

"The Selma people"? To say "Well, their use of other tragedy is in poor taste, so…what that woman said wasn't particularly racist" is to essentially hand wave away her racist ass comments that she was offended that they spoke up about a tragedy that affected their lives. That she was dismissing the actual underlying

But Meaney, those people are a sainted mix of Spock and Solomon - they just want everyone to be equal and are trying their best to understand why women and minorities keep making it about them. I mean, won't someone please think of the white christian men?!

Ah, right, since you've found an instance of less then credulous outrage by an African-American, racism must not be real. Good point, hadn't thought of that. I'll be sure to note that with the "one false rape accusation means all women are liars" I picked up elsewhere today.

Hoo, boy. You talking about the sexism one?

Vasquez's enmity for Hale would probably do the trick. I doubt the Boyd
deal would be official (more like Raylan lets them go if ti happens), but I could see
Rachel and Vasquez deciding to include the scope of their case to
include Markham and Hale.

I'm surprised anyone still reads Gawker. Besides their appalling hypocrisy and their belief that tabloid blurbs are akin to journalistic 'speaking truth to power' (that mean tweet is totally like a truncheon beating, you guys), their zeal in piling on someone they (or the people they want impress and prove they're

So…you haven't read any of her other writing, and based on two reviews (of which you cherry pick the most mundane comments)…she's a mundane thinker and writer? Huh.

Nah, Point Break, brah *gives hang loose hand gesture*

So…they mentioned Art's retirement and we all said "nah, that ain't like Justified to pull a 'too old for this shit' plot line", but here we are…