
wtf is loss of dignity for letting minstrals bards and jesters walk all over your elected assembly in session?!!!!!!!

elmo is a victim FAS. "hey johnny chceck out super womans tits ima write her adirty letter just wait till the count teaches us how to make an adress out of numbers." luckily katy pery is not my childs preschool teacher and yes it would be inappripriate "hey pery do you think this is somekind of fantasy show for

diana is getting ready for something and shes in the shower and the romulans bust in and yya you see them he tits in starterek. or weaver if you perfer.

also next gen is pg 13 and there is tits and riker tells a romulan to 'fuck off'.

its then discovered that the feringie are being genetically and mentally manipulated by the evil ferngie leader working for the larger romulan empire and have been for some time but the ones who have escaped the plauges are far away and that way affleck and snipes can ride all ove re abunch of fergie zelots before

so the flag ship with snipes as cheif of security go to investigate tthe federation is at war with the romulans and feringie only a temporary cease fire has been singed with the romulans not feringie and the alliance with the kilongs is tenous at best!

plot is tashas evil romulan counter part has been feeding the romulan empire information and theromulans unleash a plauge on planets near the nutral zone. and then tasha dies like in the show they destroy the paluge and the romulans hold public excutions and say it was a extermist sect in the empire… now its five

crusher is sigorney weaver tasha could also be anne heche zelwegger or aniston. worfs gotta look touger then riker.

now picard has a semi crew cut. like short haired clint eastwood

pirce brosnen as picard or someone form the stage. jessica alba as diana wesley snipes as worf norton as data mos def as jordi tasha is seven of nine wesley is labouff queen latifa as guinen obrain is colin ferrel

abrams badassed it for the last star remake he should freakin make affleck the new riker if he does next gen 2. like the third one is next gen then all next gen after that!

i love him i hope levy breaks the seal in this one! great soundtracks a mighty wind was awesome. both the folksmen and the 'mighty wind reprise' with all the gangs

shes a drug addict from what i hear if she came after me id hit and run no other way to do it really throw a rock at her and run head for the hills.

goddam i was hoping this was the new owen and jackie vehicle hbuuried: in a hail of fists kicks and ladder tossing mayham!

'is she wierd is she white is she promised to the night?' ellen page zooey dascnel? meh.

Drew carrey actually
this si stupid the show is not any good anymore obviously. its like the abc one now with kimmle. drew carrey should host one of the two older ones. instead of proce is right hes good funny and pleasent. like the one before letterman who is the meaner one.

a great wednesday night guest line up the real world cast drew carrey and musical guest kings of leon.

teams of reality stars as guests like all the real world kids at once na d in a contest and drew carrey form price is right to now theat he lost the wieght . good ratings.

lets all pitch in and get ellen a set of turntables and a itunes card.

broken lizard 2 the freaky trip. with the druggies. from super troopers wait. conans going down in flames. but whatever i guess max is rich enough cause he willget the fox family guy boost in the snew show fromat from what i hear! just like kimmle but better. id like the 'boss' himself to take up the mantle spilt it