you are freaking out again man
you are freaking out again man
ya i agree. if they just made the real life bigger and gave them more money that would have weddings and be just as ridiculos. i bet they are all awful people.
family circus countdown t minus a 32 hours.
if have a daughter for a child ill name it jezzabel but ill still feed it and say kind words unto the child. to break the cycle. also no taylor swift is awesome so many solid pop hits as well as more country stuff. love story is good. what a looker she is! snooki is not so bad the show is pretty bad its just filming…
a true classic indeed the return trip is even better. exactally blu ray is not hi tech enough. #2 is even funnier i like it when he plays the tape ….. again? !
i always liked bull on parade i know its not what i think but its still kinda dykin which is funny enough i guess… hey zach a myan?AM I HEARING THIS CORRECTLY? do you know how hard you got owned by the spanish? shit aint cming aorund man!
selena gomez does a good piolet these days
toxity and arials are good songs like really good. other then that it is too arty the lyrics cant back up the agressive intsrumentals. cover is arty on this too. ratm sucks people of the sun wa alright but it was too acedemic while th zack guy was never that smart. i agree with oyou on the politics and like i dont…
horrible title bascally make it about the girl but its more just an excuse to stir the facebook pot in thier on lives.
the show id like to see is just different facebooks peopel apply to have thier lives checked out to see how much they are like thier myspace avatar of whatevs! reality but a show called network thats liek gossip girl would probs do good. involve facbeook twitter and like online banking.
gone baby gone is cool.
i thought it was averb i stand corrected or do i? free online dictionary?
pavement eh? a friends fav personally i never liked em and never did listen outside of an acoustic cover i dont like Spoon much so i doubt i like this anyways, enclavement the act of joining an enclave, group or sect. fucking indie rock. colbert eh? is he getting something named after him on the space station or…
haha ya so a ben stiller show.
youve never said what this show is about
is it a facebook type show but for tv like best of web.
i don't buy it for a second. its cause he stole his toy.
pretty funny.
twitter needs to die. there just is not that many people who should communicate in that or this fashion with out direction.
none of this is mainstream.
i would consider none of the above mentioned you tube clips to be anywhere near the grade of quality a mainstream consumer demands. where is potter?