American Kinja Warrior

I agree, in that casting an actual Native American actress as Tiger Lily would not have solved the many problems with the character, and frankly, would have caused more. In the original, Tiger Lily is princess of the Piccaninny tribe, so we have a awful racial slur right out of the gate. Everything about the

Immediately after that scene, at least on my CW affiliate, there was a Weight Watchers commercial with Oprah gushing over a diet that allows her to eat bread every day, which was absolutely perfect.

Lots of people say their relationship status is "complicated," but the Rebecca-Josh problem actually appears to require vector calculus to solve.

I wish to eulogize Umberto Eco in a manner befitting his literary output:

Bill & Ted's Bogus John Wick

Given that it basically copies off of another student's paper, it should receive an automatic F. If we want to be lenient, we can mark this movie with an "Incomplete" grade, and later on assign a passing grade if Travis Z next makes a worthwhile film.

My space ice cream tastes like ashes…to ashes.

The Limitless TV show is a lot like the first 30 minutes or so of the movie, where Eddie Morra first takes NZT, and is just starting to see the potential; where the first things he does are mundane self-improvement actions like cleaning his apartment, getting in shape, and writing that book. Morra then quickly moves

Of course. If I were facing set theoretic zombies, I would obviously want to be able to use the Ax-iom of Choice.

STZ: Set Theory and Zombies

The potential use of sodium cyclamate as an artificial sweetener was discovered when a chemistry graduate student set his cigarette down on the lab bench, and found when he put it back in his mouth, it had a sweet taste. Imagine what other discoveries we've missed out by banning smoking in the lab!

Cameo appearance by David Cameron.

With six eyes he did weep, and down three chins
Trickled the Alfredo sauce and the marinara.
At every mouth he with his teeth was crunching
An Olive Garden entree.
So that he three of them tormented thus.

"Uh, hush up little girls. Lotta cats have that name."

Na-tion-wide, Pey-ton just died!

Isn't that Freema Agyeman?

Keogh Plan

Here's hoping The Onion can meet its 2016 revenue ¡GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!

I rather liked Meet Joe Black for the same reasons you mention, but the car accident scene at the beginning is one of cinema's finest moments of unintentional comedy.

Siberia is a paradise, with rivers flowing with pure ethanol.