American Kinja Warrior

When Kirk famously reprogrammed the scenario so he could win, it was his third time taking it (in both the original timeline and reboot), so he knew what to expect.

Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm 64 73?

"It has to be a completely different show. Maybe MTV should just air episodes of Harper’s Island (or Human Giant or any of the above) in its place. People may be jolted by the 100 per cent increase in quality, but it would be a better choice. "

That whole "only vulnerable in the heel" thing isn't in the original canon: it's just from some dumb fanfiction written by Statius 1300 years later.

The listed weakness is a strange choice as well, given that the Fat Man can be repaired, and that without DLC or mods, there aren't nearly enough mini-nukes available to fire it 167 times anyway.

Arabian Prince had already left N.W.A. by the time this photo was taken. Ice Cube would leave the group as well by the end of 1989.

"Clockwise from top left: N.W.A’s Dr. Dre, Laylaw from Above the Law, The D.O.C., DJ Yella, MC Ren, Eazy-E and Ice Cube posed for a photo before their performance during the Straight Outta Compton tour in Kansas City in 1989."

4K, or not 4K, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The streams and downloads of outrageous resolution,
Or to take arms against low dynamic ranges,
And by opposing end them.

When I first learned of the Stanford Prison Experiment, someone who had actually met Zimbardo described him to me as "looking like a vampire." Several years later, I saw the show on PBS you mention. Vampirism: confirmed.

Ryan Reynolds IS Jawaharlal Nehru in Nehru. Coming to theaters December 2016.

"A lottery official once tried to test me. I ate his balls with some fava beans and a nice Chianti. Then I ate his testicles."

That's a fair point- I suppose it'd be in character for Bond to "share" a fine bottle with a woman and end up drinking 80% of it.

Gin all the way, and stirred; while I'm unconvinced on that "shaking bruises the gin" notion, I can accept that shaking a drink makes it cloudy with little chips of ice in it, both of which I feel are undesirable in a martini. I don't like them quite as dry as the "pour gin and think of a bottle of vermouth" folks:

I think overall the chart overstates the alcohol present in Champagne while understating the likely potency of Bond's cocktails. Assuming "shares a bottle of Champagne" implies a roughly equal division, Bond is having more like 3 or 4 drinks than the 5 the chart seems to suggest. (Moonraker, for example- a shared

"Thus the highest realization of warfare is to attack the enemy's plans; next is to attack their alliances; next to attack their army; and the lowest is to simply marry off your best strategic asset to a sadistic monster. Seriously, that's ridiculous. My character is supposed to be like a genius on that show…."

And the city they call Old Orchard Beach/
Puttin' tha shit together/
Just like my homie L.L. Bean/
Dressed sensibly for tha weather

Upvoted for implication of use of a hashtag.

I wonder just how much time will be spent following Stannis's army on the march. In the books, it was a clever and dramatic idea- that the brilliant military mind would have his forces decimated by winter before he even got to the battle- but as written, the lack of plot advancement was really frustrating. Every time

I agree that the fAegon plot is going to be a dead end in the books ;regardless of whether he is the genuine article, I think he is far more likely to have his brains dashed out against a wall (for real this time) than to sit on the Iron Throne. What I am curious about is how cutting this plot will change what happens

Sure, oxytocin is a safe and effective way to induce labor, so go ahead.