
Bout time
Was thinking it was high time for a cowboy/alien movie. Hell yeah.

Good stuff
My favorite show on television at the moment. It seems shows are capable of really hitting on all cylinders for a few seasons. Currently, I think that show is Community.

I agree. Great NBA series vs. the opportunity to see some more Better off Ted. Tough call for which one I prefer most. I wish some other network would pick up BoT. It deserves it.

Come on, guys
Canceling Better Off Ted? Great show. Stupid move, ABC. Can't wait to see what gem you plan on replacing it with.

I figured that there might be a thread refuting the tolerability of Lucas. Just thought I might swing on by and get in on that. Can't stand him. Thank you. I feel much better.

I agree that some of the situations that I find to be the most interesting these days, are the elements that are now wrapped up in an episode or two. I think about the Amber hallucinations, and now the psych hospital. If the writers are truly struggling to come up with ideas, why do they trash these new dynamics so

Like most viewers, I also hate Tennille, but I've noticed that she actually seems to be getting her shit together in the kitchen. If she would just turn the volume down on her interview segments, she would almost be tolerable, resemblance to Whoopi be damned. I'd say Kevin and Ariel are the final two, with Dave and

The DVD copy that I've got does have a great commentary track by Kurt Russell and John Carpenter, where they discuss Jack Burton being the comic foil rather than the hero. I've got to hand it to Jack Burton though; he may be slightly incompetent, but he never hesitates to jump into the action as best he can. That's

I agree. I just started watching it after reading one of the reviews on this very site a few weeks ago. Thursdays provide some quality TV watching, and now I have Hell's Kitchen then Better off Ted, and I'm all set for Tuesday viewing. The other days of the week not so much however. I guess it's good to get out of

You nailed it, Sadbobcat. I have been wondering why the guy seemed so familiar to me the entire season.

Not quite the same…
Without IES Chang. Valiant effort though.

Ahh, Magic Middles…
I didn't even realize that I missed them till I read this inventory. I used to eat them by the pound. Good times.

Can't stand…
John Cryer. That is all. Please move along.

Good for them
Glad to see these guys getting a modicum of recognition after all their years touring. I expect they'll still be thrashing away after this momentum from the movie dies away. Always glad to hear of musicians that seem to genuinely care about the music rather than the amount of attention it brings them.

My first thought: Why is Daniel Day Lewis wearing a fur coat in the desert?

I've eatin' it! You donkey!
There are few things on television that I enjoy more than watching Gordon go ballistic while examining the cleanliness of the kitchen. Great show. The UK version is head and shoulders better than the US version, but I'll take what I can get.

Really enjoyed all the stuff with his undead dad. He had a really great attitude about getting a freezer to sleep in. Good stuff.

Michael Scott
Sometimes watching his behavior makes me uncomfortable enough that I actually squirm in my chair. I know that Pam feels like she needs to expand her horizons, but I was obviously very disappointed in her leaving with Michael. I was thinking that Michael would flit around for a couple of episodes feeling

Actually laughed till tears came to my face
When Jack threw up in excitement over Liz's phone sex add. It's been a while since I've laughed like that. One of those laughing fits that I just couldn't stop. Excellent episode all around though for me.

You'd think a buddhist would consider our feelings.