
Another weird instance where I couldn't see this page all morning! Weird.

Great series, and a great set of reviews by Emily. So my only substantive comment will be an obnoxious nitpick:

Rabin thinks that George Clooney, Leonardo DiCaprio, Justin Timberlake could see some of themselves in… Ryan Lochte? Surely there are more vapid actors and singers with less staying power and artistic acclaim that could have been slotted into that joke!

Looking forward to reading the rest of this article, but I popped down to say that Mega Man 2 is emphatically not "Love Me Do." Mega Man is "Love Me Do": you can see where all the great bits originated, but they haven't quite come together into something unforgettable.

The boss fights in Minish Cap are impressive all around, I thought! From the "regular enemies" that you fight in small form, to the multi-stage bosses that require you to shrink and enter them once they're stunned, they're imaginative and just challenging enough.

That's what got me about the response to Star Fox Zero! I understand and accept that I am generally going to be much more tolerant of well-executed motion controls than the average gamer and/or game reviewer. But the motion controls for Star Fox Zero were exactly the same as a game that reviewers and gamers alike

Yeah, I had my worst hole of the day right before my hole of—I was about to type "hole of glory," there—triumph. Hit the top of the ball and got a four yard tee-off, followed by a series of bad shots culminating in a set of short range putts that went right past the hole.

I am not sure if we scratched it off a bit, or if we didn't fully uncover it, but we only managed to not bumble through the game without ever getting vaccines because of a leap of logic based on the wording of the Time is Running Out card! (Basically: if according to this card we could've somehow opened box seven, and

We might have to start making binoculars to get it done!

I bet that it was your post, and my mind says Girard because of his art knowledge!

Though, to be fair, the level recycling occurs in the context of a post-game special world that has the same number of levels as the "main" game!

Just finished my Minish Cap replay yesterday! Was, like you, impressed with the gorgeous artwork and the thorough use of the item lineup! Was it the sky dungeon that you found to be a slog? I think I slightly broke its standard path with the magic boomerang (at least, it seemed like there were segments on the 1st

Put in a round for the Mario Golf tournament! My general proficiency there was a nice ego boost after playing actual golf with my friends that day.

I have not heard good things about the train portions of that game! Add to that that I'm fairly confident that playing a DS game on the WiiU GamePad isn't going to be a perfect ergonomic experience and… well, it's still Zelda, right? One thing this latest binge of playthroughs has taught me is that even the games I

For me, it'll be Ocarina of Time 3D and maybe something else that I haven't decided on yet. Plus D&D planning for next weekend and trying to come up with an optimized strategy for next week's Pandemic Legacy game.

I've only played Original Sin, but I've been struck by what an effective job they do of presenting a "quirky/funny" RPG world without getting really annoying (and without robbing the darker and more dramatic moments of their effectiveness).

Me too, although I can be pretty terrible about remembering to participate in these kinds of things!

Have fun! If you ever do pick it up, and ever have five people available for gaming, the On The Brink expansion pack has a fantastic "bio-terrorist" mode, where the fifth player is a hidden, off-board adversary (tracking his/her movements on a sheet of paper) who is committed to spreading disease and disorder

Yeah, I distinctly remember that I was just not able to get to him without being low on health and on my last life, so I never got a chance to actually fight the Thunderbird, so much as see it come on the screen and quickly die. This November, though? Oh, that bird is gonna get cooked.

Planning to enter the Mario Golf tournament on Wednesday, after playing an actual round of golf with my friends!