
Haha, your reply wasn't showing when I typed my reply. Great minds, my friend.

It's definitely super detailed. It feels lived in in a way that a lot of big, modern game worlds don't to me. When you go in the Undead Church, you feel like you're in a creepy old abandoned church, not a video game level with some churchy trappings.

This is why I don't really see it as the "hardest game ever." It's use of difficulty isn't really something new so much as a revival of how games used to be. You play the levels. If you die, you have to replay them. Eventually you develop your skills and learn the lay of the land and beat the levels. Or find the

I just picked up a copy of Data Analysis, too! I wish it had arrived earlier: I was hoping to spend some more time with it before the release of Major Conference Presentation next week.

I'll probably mostly be playing Dark Souls, which I'm getting to very, very late. Put about 5-10 hours in so far. It's almost everything people say it is: an incredibly evocative, seamless world, a gameplay style that requires you to remain on your toes at all times, and a refreshing change from the trend in recent

You know what? After the numbers WiiU and XB1 posted last week, I'm inclined to agree with you.

Indeed! Which is why I think that Lester may wind up surprising Malvo.

He definitely likes to make people evil. Which is why it would be so fitting if he did his job too well and wound up creating the guy who ultimately defeats him.

I go back and forth on viewing approach. For this particular episode, since Todd so kindly let us time-shifted viewers know about the "One Year Later" in yesterday's inventory, my brain spent the time leading up to watching the episode gaming out what would happen leading up to the jump.

Plus, Walter White broke bad as an extended series of escalating reactions to the consequences of his earlier actions.

I definitely saw the time jump coming… because I'm a time shift viewer and Todd cleverly hid the spoiler in an innocuous seeming Inventory.

Yeah, after the last episode I started thinking "maybe Lester takes down Malvo!" and this episode only increased my anticipation of that happening.

The speedy bit at the end took me a few tries… the blink blocks took me a rage inducing number of tries until I figured out the trick to them.

Surely Nicolas Cage is considered an A-list overactor.

I'm just unreasonably good at platformers! :) Lots of Mario over the years.

I'm only at Operation 7! I'm late to the party here. But the SPOILERS Vorkken death scene plus Luka's betrayal? Holy shit so epic.

Co-signed. Everything about Wonderful 101 is just marvelous. The drawing controls take some time to get used to, but once you've put in the practice you'll put the lie to all the early reviews that suggested the control system was broken. So much technique involved for a beat-em-up.

Join us! Join us!

I know! I play my WiiU almost every day, and I still haven't had time to 100% anything but Mario 3D World and NSMBU. Haven't even played Rayman Legends or ZombiU (sorry, Ubisoft!). Haven't finished the main campaign of Wonderful 101. Am already worried about keeping up with the forthcoming release calendar.

Now, obviously at some point in the near-to-medium future the XBox One will probably outsell the WiiU, and the PS4 already has. But at present, 5 million some odd people own an XB1, 6 million some odd own a WiiU, and 7 million some odd have a PS4.