
Tuttles is going to be a John Huston in Chinatown/the local bigwig in Cutter's Way type thing, isn't he?

Well, Taye Diggs is making me rethink my sexuality in a whole load of ways.

The moment he asked Skyler "can I see her?" my eyes filled up. And then it actually cut to the scene.

Then I can't quite understand why you're saying this in response to me. I don't have a problem with the Eliot and Gretchen appearance in the latest episode.

This is why I hope Wendy is the last one standing. Kill 'em, Wendy. Kill 'em all.

We were asked to believe, in the first episode, that a middle-aged, middle-class high school chemistry teacher would become a meth producer and murderer in one afternoon. By episode two he was picking bones out of a flesh and acid soup. At one point, Walter's almighty karmic deficit contrived to pull two planes

This is Wagner, not Pete Seeger.

Breaking Bad threw disbelief out of the window, shot it in the head and dissolved in acid somewhere around about episode 2. If you have made it this far and NOW you're bugged by far-fetched plot devices, come the fuck on.

Stevia isn't a product, it's a naturally-occurring herb.

I would imagine it was to avoid long-range lens photos, rather than eavesdroppers.

Well so ok then, the Andrea thing broke my fucking heart. This is the cruellest TV show of all time.

The Bacon 52 Trope is a killer band name.

Jesse told Jane to get out of the house so he could do drugs alone.

He clearly cares about Jesse. He would never have had any problem with Gus were it not for the fact that Gus' men were responsible for Andrea's brother's death, and that he would never have been able to call of Jesse. He brought enormous danger upon himself and his family in order to save Jesse's life.

His boss with the mustache lost his job for not noticing that a charitable donator to the DEA in Gus Fring was a drug baron. It's not inconceivable that Hank might lose his for not noticing that a close family member was, having spent huge amounts of time and resources on catching this shadowy figure to the exclusion

Walt Jr walks on crutches and can't dress without assistance. I doubt he can skate a drained pool.