
In one of the early drafts of the script, apparently someone mentioned that the scientists nicknamed that and it just stuck.  Just got cut out of the theatrical version.

In one of the early drafts of the script, apparently someone mentioned that the scientists nicknamed that and it just stuck.  Just got cut out of the theatrical version.

@Stingray me too. I was giddy at Tron: Legacy…it was like I was 8 years old again, watching a rented VHS copy of the original. I'm going to go see it again.

I liked it. But I grew up loving the first one, and it works perfectly as a sequel to the first one. All of the complaints I've read about it (the color pallet, the silly philosophical nonsense) seem to be from critics who don't fondly remember the original.

It's a good show, not a brilliant one. The pilot is by far the best episode and the rest of the show never quite makes it back to that level, and the heavy-handed symbolism gets really old in the back third. But it's still enjoyable and I appreciate the characters and have a newfound respect for Buscemi's abilities

I like this show
It's not the best show in the world (and it's definitely had some rocky episodes). But it's an enjoyable procedural with generally likable characters. It's basically House without all the stupid manufactured drama (Thirteen disappeared! Chuddy!). Brenda Lee Johnson is borderline socially retarded,

Everyone buy the Blu-Ray and or DVD set when it comes out. Will most assuredly help with the renewal chances. And maybe they'll put it up on Netflix…that couldn't hurt either.

How about a TV Club write up of Stargate Universe?
Just got into the show over the past couple of weeks and caught up over Netflix. It had a rocky start, but it's evolved into a pretty good show with more than a few passing similarities to Battlestar Galactica. And it's written so you don't need to be familiar with

The Limited (and Legendary) editions of Halo: Reach come with Dr. Halsey's journal, which I read after finishing the campaign. For those unaware, Dr. Halsey is the genius creator of the Spartan II project and the person whose personality was imprinted to create Cortana. It's a fascinating read and it covers the

close parenthesis
When your parenthetical statements are so long that the reader mistakenly thinks the close parenthesis is a typo, perhaps you should re-evaluate the size of that particular parenthetical.

The Norm Show has one of my favorite all-time jokes, in what I think was the pilot. The boss from Alf tells the chubby guy he can't have a cross on his desk, and when the chubby guy objects, Norm says, perfectly deadpan, "Well you see, there are a lot of Christians in this office, and well, their savior was nailed to

When is it due back?

Walking amongst the damned
Good art can sometimes reveal more about the viewer than the artist. Your standard internet rebel-atheist might see poignancy or humor in this episode, but someone with faith may see a quiet tragedy, especially at the end.

+1 for hungover.

Ha, I just rewatched the 'Space Irish' episode (I refuse to call it by its proper title), and that one was by Snodgrass, too. For a woman, she sure hates women, huh? Shrill, slutty Irish woman likes money and is perfectly happy with three different dudes knocking her up…that writer had issues, huh?

Data as 'The Tin Man'
Something I didn't really get when I was a kid, but I see now in hindsight, is I think Data was meant to be kind of like The Tin Man in The Wizard of OZ. As in, he had emotions (a heart) the whole time, he just didn't realize it.

I looked up and I still don't believe it. The Planet Express Ship doesn't sound anything like Sigourney Weaver. I think someone on wikipedia is intentionally fucking with me. Now the Axiom in Wall-E…THAT sounds like Sigourney Weaver.

The Planet Express Ship was voiced by Kathy Najimy.
I think this episode still fell flat, but the show is basically starting over so hopefully they'll find their groove soon. Continuity wise, I could have done without the Professor and his robot gag, but at least we know that Bender has a thing for Asians (Lucy Liu).

I didn't catch that it was Craigy Ferg who did the voice (Comedy Central's schedule timings are always terrible, I gotta set TiVo to run over a minute or two). So that kind of makes up for it, kind of. I'm still not happy about one-off gags involving the regular characters.

You know what else sucks about the Leela boil thing: It kind of futzes with the continuity of the show. Generally, Futurama has one of the best continuities of any show ever, including animated shows. And we've seen Leela's naked ass how many times before now?