
B-, did not enjoy the Pawnee-esque trial and lawyers. Feels like a completely different genre of show

My only problem is, to what purpose does the gag work? "small town/Indiana/middle America is a little gullible and conservative and needs some help from shrewd Kimmy" That storyline makes sense. "The entire town has the IQ of a 5 year old and the OJ trial lawyers are building their relationship at the trial…so We need

Completely agree and the connection to P&R is spot on. I can take the gag of the lawyers for one scene, but it does indeed feel run into the ground and then some when it stretches for 3 episodes.

Eh I thought it was too much a stretch for Kimmy to do that, but it was a funny moment

They were funny. My beef is the rest of the funny scenes build the world and drama, the courtroom scenes destroy it.

Agree 100%. To Ultraglamjan—Ok "Durnsville" is a little more of an open canvas than NYC, but cmon, is Indiana suddenly an alternate universe?

Hm so we like Lillian pretty well, right? I feel like a show only gets 1 or 2 "weirdo" characters (Creed, Phoebe, Kreuger, whoever Rob Lowe layed in P&R, etc), and have to make them count, and this one just doesn't work for me for some reason. Different strokes I guess

Here's a question: IS it an absurd universe? Kimmy the character is prominent/weird due to her weird but plausible background, but she and most other characters seem/ed fairly grounded up until this episode. I suppose Lillian is consistently far out and the Vorhees are exaggerated though.

Glad I'm not the only one re the trial and LONG running attorney gag that so doesn't work. As for being too dark—I'll actually give it a pass because I think dark can meld with comedy when done well. My main problem is, for right or wrong, UKS partially became a deep world and drama, not just a comedy, but it starts

Sorry, I'm not giving the show credit for commenting on the dong jokes when they've been using them for unironic laughs for 3 episodes now. Can't have that cake and eat it too. Other grades: Lillian isn't working for me, Titus is, Kimmy is a supernova.

Agreed that Randy was too much. From this point on, the series drifts too often into what Matt Besser would call Crazy Town. I know it's a zany comedy, and Kimmy has an almost singularly weird background, but she's a surprisingly deep and grounded character. I didn't find Cartoonish Randy and the ridiculous trial to