
If I understand what you're saying, that's a really good question. I like reading the reviews on AV because - unlike recaps (I watched it already, I don't need a blow-by-blow) they offer opinions, theories, meanderings, random thoughts, petty irritations. They make me rethink what I thought. Sometimes it broadens my

My favorite cliche was when the bomb maker told the bad accent lady that he could have the car ready in 48 hours and she told him he had 36 hours. Because when it comes to making car-sized bombs, it's always a good idea to show who's boss by demanding a rush job.

This show irritates me. It's so cheesy and badly written, yet I enjoy watching Red and Elizabeth enough that I'm genuinely interested in the story. But wow, when the main bad is the bad actress from "Revenge" (and what accent exactly was she trying to nail?), the husband looks like the ugly girl in every teen movie

I think I missed the point. There was nothing in this episode that made me laugh. I thought the pilot was horrible, but the next few episodes made me a fan. Then there was this episode that worked overtime to avoid anything approaching a genuine humorous response. So yeah, far worse than even the laborious pilot. And