
Damn. No Spongebob??? I would love to see (or, rather, hear) Tom Kenny's take on C-3PO or Chewbacca.

Damn. No Spongebob??? I would love to see (or, rather, hear) Tom Kenny's take on C-3PO or Chewbacca.

No. LMFAO hangs out with "the first celebrity president," not with has-beens outside abortion clinics. Didn't you see that "helpful" and "informative" political advertisement?

No. LMFAO hangs out with "the first celebrity president," not with has-beens outside abortion clinics. Didn't you see that "helpful" and "informative" political advertisement?

Something tells me Mr. O'Neal is REALLY kicking himself for being out of town, today….

I'm pretty sure the fish one had something to do with Boston Rob on his first season, too…. He LOVED it.

They did this challenge before….. at least twice, and once it was with rotten fish.

And Laffy being a medium doesn't even really matter in the grand scheme of things. Jesus will exorcise Marnie, and unless Antonia decides to take up residence in Laffy's body it will all have been for naught.