
The review and I am not even sure you can call a capsule review of The Gatekeepers a review, but either way, it's a pretty smug response to a documentary that features many cinematic qualities in both sound and sight.  I mean, the film was inspired by the Fog of War, and not just in content but in style and if anyone

I thought the whole Jim writing and constructing that book for Dwight was uninspired and this show is getting pretty stupid.  The only way it would have been funny was if the book was blank and Jim would have been baffled at where Dwight was getting this stuff from.

There are 3 things at work here.  1. The whole race plot is far fetched and was poorly introduced. 2.  Because the plot is so stupid, the Juice character has been poorly written to get him in motion. Anyone with eyes would have noticed that Juice was weirdly tense and nervous during the scenes where those prospects

The opening credits still suck.  Long, overdone and ill fitting.

Yeah,  a pretty awful write up. Barely worth reading.

Don't say ep.

Please stop using the word "eps" when talking about episodes.  It's unnecessary and annoying.