
Am I the only one who thinks there are a lot of Ok Computer shades on here too? The overall theme, sure, but musically there are a lot of little Radiohead-isms from that era. It's a really good record but I think I'll need to listen a number of times to really get my head round it.

I can't think of many other movies that have as jarring an emotional shift as this film does with the 'Needle in the Hay' scene and YET it's amazingly executed and completely works. A wonderful film.

This comment is not going to get nearly as much love as it deserves. Yours, a Norm fan.

I bailed on 'Girls' a while ago (when Hannah was at the university in Iowa, I think - season 3?) as I just found it had drifted away from what made it a funny, sharp show in S1 but this article and the clips within, and the generally positive buzz around S5, is making me think I should pick it up again. There's a 'Mad

See: Sherlock. Completely downhill since season one as it seems to have become more interested in catering to obscure fan fiction fantasies than actual drama.

Hmm, interesting write-up but not sure I agree. First, is the Walmart line really as "anti-corporate and anti-commercial" as you suggest? That's clearly one interpretation people are meant to gravitate to, and the song is definitely imbibed with PJ's British/black sense of humour, BUT it's also a song that's still

"It’s problematic for a cisgender writer/director to examine transphobia, especially without explicit participation of any trans performers or writers, even with the best of intentions; no matter which way you slice it, it’s an attempt to tackle a pervasive, deeply-ingrained issue from an outsider’s perspective."

Count me as another who has caught up with this on Netflix. A fantastic show, especially the underrated season 3, and I struggle to think of other shows that took such a big structural risk as FNL did in introducing a new setting and characters between seasons - but they made it pay off. And surely one of the all-time

That was a nice scene to be fair. You can definitely just enjoy the show on the basis that as -Sn outlines the sound track is fun, the camera work still feels fairly innovative for TV and the plot has a lot of twists and turns. Without wanting to sound snooty by comparison, I just find the tonal shifts throughout are

I agree with you agreeing with me. Good points though!

I agree there I just find the actual characterisations a bit inconsistent and some of the choices the characters make seem unnatural and intended to let the plot run rather than what they'd actually do (dumb, in other words) e.g. when Hank wakes up after being knocked out and decides not to check on Peggy, or when

Am I the only one who feels this season is very overrated? It seems so overstuffed. I don't think I really care about any of the characters and while I'm the first to quibble when people complain of symbolism/imagery in TV being 'too obvious' it really feels like Fargo's BIG THEMES are all being treated with a

"this is nearly as embarrassing for Australia in a global context as the Hey Hey blackface debacle - and people will see and hear it that way." Genuine words written by a real life person. http://www.dailylife.com.au…

For all the talk of electric guitar, I found the record slightly disappointing because it doesn't really commit to that sound. I adore the crunchy live version of 'I Feel Your Love' but on the album it's just another very good acoustic LM song, same thing with 'Warrior'. She's so talented that everything she does will

I really liked that cover too, seemed pretty clear it was just a fun attempt at trying something outside her comfort zone but unfortunately she took a lot of flak for it from some whiny blogger who said it was racist.

Agreed. I rewatched TD recently and the criticism seems really overstated given that the show is a) very aware of its male leads' problems, and male-dominated cultures, when dealing with women and b) actually has an interesting and sympathetic main female character in Maggie, whose actions basically engineer the third

It's interesting that on a thread about South Park on here a few days ago most AVC commenters seemed to take issue with that show's 'douche vs turd sandwich' episode for the way it equated two presidential candidates as being basically the same or at least similarly terrible, yet I'd be surprised if this episode came

Yeah PHM has some shockers…The most aggressive, Broken-esque song he's done recently is probably 'Letting You' from The Slip, really underrated album. Has tracks like that and '1,000,000' which hit pretty hard but also the more poppy, electronic and soundscape things T-Rez has always had a knack for.

Controversial opinion time: as much as I like The Downward Spiral, Broken, etc, I prefer Reznor's output since 2007, both with NIN and the soundtrack stuff, to his 90s work. Partly because focussing on instrumental tracks takes away the worst aspect of Reznor (the lyrics - yes, there's 'Hurt' but there's also

It's a very good album but I'm really struggling to listen to it all the way through without getting a headache towards the last three or four songs, partly because some of the tunes get a bit samey but it's more to do with the production being so thick and over-compressed, as you feared.