
regionalholidaymusic .com

As far as I can tell, Smash has devolved from conceptually being Glee for grown-ups into literally being Glee for grown-ups.

I read elsewhere it's "Who is the Nielsen family and where do they live?"

Is it me, or have NBC's promos become much better lately?

Scrubs Season 8 was great. It regrounded the show, reintroduced pathos, and adding funny new characters in Sunny and Denise helped freshen up the premise.

…because the show is running out of ideas so they're retreating old plotlines, old baby plotlines[1] at that, which give the show some direction and helps tie up loose ends as the show heads towards its conclusion.[2]

30 Rock was not saying all women want kids and white men know better than the women know themselves.

Except that's not quite what happened.

This season Biology 101, Geography of Global Conflict, Competitive Ecology and Studies in Modern Movement didn't lean heavily on sitcom clichés, cheesiness or needless wackiness to tell fairly conventional stories.

My problem is that the resolution was silly which led the Jeff wrap-up to be incoherent and unearned. If the resolution made sense or the wrap-up was deliberately nonsensical and played for humour then it wouldn't be a problem. As it is, the 'wrap-up' felt unearned and manipulative.

For me, one of the key parts of what makes Community so great is that it isn't a traditional sitcom. Some of its most memorable moments are where the show subverts sitcom tropes, such as the pilot mocking the cliché neat sitcom wrap-up speech with soaring music and the happy ending, or in Paradigms of Human Memory

I meant sincere instead of unironic, so I've corrected my post.

I kinda feel sorry for him, but it's for the best. He fundamentally didn't understand the show.

I give this episode a B-.

I agree, but it's hard to imagine a less compatible show than Apartment 23. Suburgatory, despite its idiosyncrasies, would have been a decent match with its family-friendly tone.

I was also amazed by the crazy direction of the plot, except I thought it was hilarious.

Completely agreed on the second episode's delightfully crazy plot.

Hm. I think I'll simply have accept that I don't like Community anymore.

Ignore this, contentless post.