Kenny Powers is so fucking suave
Kenny Powers is so fucking suave
Stephen Metcalf, I assume. Someone in the comments last week described him as "the platonic form of insufferable nebbish."
Has the AVC made a conscious decision to stop reviewing other film/pop culture podcasts like PCHH or Culture Gabfest?
Gilmartin analyzing everything he said, followed by further meta-analysis of the original analysis was painful. The most interesting thing about this podcast for me is that Maron seems more sane, critically acclaimed and similarly commercially successful, so at times it felt like Maron was bullying Gilmartin, since he…
" The jokes, by-and-large, were predictably “shocking.” Francine doesn’t like to go to a museum during free Sundays because of “ethnic” people."
While this episode is the most absurd and cartoonish episode of EB&D yet, I think a lot of the critical discussion of EB&D has given it too much credit for things it is intermittently. Yes EB&D is as Nabin said last week "profoundly sad", but it's also a riot and a lot of that sadness is undercut by how unrealistic…
I thought Jim Carrey was much more beloved than the comments seem to indicate. Ya he's made some shitty movies lately, but he is still an outstanding comic performer and tries occasionally unlike Sandler/Murphy. At first I thought I might be biased because I watched Ace Ventura dozens of times as a child, but I also…
I generally find Jim Carrey grating and obnoxious, except for his performance in Secret Success™ The Cable Guy.
I actually liked all the Tom and Ann stuff tonight, because I assumed they would be broken up by the end of the episode and we could all laugh at Ginuwine and thread counts. Instead I am frustrated because at this point Ann willfully spiting April's attempt to force a break break-up makes more sense than her…
I buy the argument outlined in the article, but at least from my experience everyone I talked to loves Chris Rock's bit in Blame Game. When I saw him mention Blame Game at the top of the article, I thought he was going to cite it as an example of one of the few good skits on recent albums. Maybe I am such a big Chris…
Niggas in Paris/Otis/Countdown have all had awesome videos, I am excited for the Blue Ivy directed "Glory" video.
As a pro poker player who has read his far share of horrible articles that try to explain poker, I have to commend D'Angelo for doing a really good job in this article. This is possibly the best simple explanation of some concepts of poker strategy I have read by a non-poker player and it's better than a lot of stuff…
My two favorite Carlin bits are the above and "The Planet is Fine" from Jammin' in New York…
I saw God Bless America at TIFF and I felt he did a pretty good job showing the human effects of the actions of the main characters. The trailer makes the movie look much more scattershot than it is and it's surprisingly focused, albeit still uneven.
I loved The Top Part, but was lukewarm on the CC special mainly because the CC editors clearly did a hatchet job and he used New in Town material while promoting it on Conan/Fallon. I bought the album today and am hoping I will like it more with more material and no choppy editing.
Dejourner? Dejourner? It's dejeuner. Say it right.
Is Rev. Harris Goody related to Guy "Whitey" Corngood?
The big problem with The Van Buren Boys is that they completely dropped it next episode instead of following the arc to its logical conclusion; The William Henry Harrison Hoodlums
I heard Lundqvist hangs dong in episode 2
Rubbertumskin gets only one hit on google: this entry. I have no idea what his actual name is, but I always thought it was Wumpatuscan