
I posted about this on another thread but it makes more sense here.

I thought you were supposed to gather from Will's spiel that he is just a crotchety sort of bitter man because @Dr_John_Zoidberg:disqus is obviously correct about all of this.  Are you all suggesting that maybe we were meant to agree with Will? and think that a generation that hasn't even voted in a presidential

I thought you were supposed to gather from Will's spiel that he is just a crotchety sort of bitter man because @Dr_John_Zoidberg:disqus is obviously correct about all of this.  Are you all suggesting that maybe we were meant to agree with Will? and think that a generation that hasn't even voted in a presidential

I haven't googled it yet but I'm already feeling like my day is ruined

I haven't googled it yet but I'm already feeling like my day is ruined

search search search search fap

search search search search fap

Oh, I must have been thinking of an MFA as a terminal degree and thus equating it w/ an english lit phd (which is not supposed to take 8 years, but often does afaik).
Well still it probably means she doesn't have one, I assume @leave_the_silver_city:disqus 's friends are more responsible than hannah.

Oh, I must have been thinking of an MFA as a terminal degree and thus equating it w/ an english lit phd (which is not supposed to take 8 years, but often does afaik).
Well still it probably means she doesn't have one, I assume @leave_the_silver_city:disqus 's friends are more responsible than hannah.

I had a dream I was chopping the regular president up in to little pieces, and my father was there, I couldn't see him but I know he was there, and my teeth fell out but I had seven layers of teeth, and it all became really clear, and then I woke up

I had a dream I was chopping the regular president up in to little pieces, and my father was there, I couldn't see him but I know he was there, and my teeth fell out but I had seven layers of teeth, and it all became really clear, and then I woke up

It strikes me as hilarious that you're thinking an MFA necessarily implies some degree of insight into the profound…

It strikes me as hilarious that you're thinking an MFA necessarily implies some degree of insight into the profound…

real life happened to marnie?

real life happened to marnie?

they're just so…real, you know?

they're just so…real, you know?

I almost uniformly dislike extended cuts of comedies (with some exceptions), but Anchorman has to be one of the worst offenders.  I'm not sure if it's made better or worse by the fact that you can tell which scenes have been added based on the quality of the film, like they didn't bother to color correct them or they

I almost uniformly dislike extended cuts of comedies (with some exceptions), but Anchorman has to be one of the worst offenders.  I'm not sure if it's made better or worse by the fact that you can tell which scenes have been added based on the quality of the film, like they didn't bother to color correct them or they

I laughed all through the scene of the jaguar failing to start, part of me thinking he had cheated death, but a little nagging part of me knowing it was just his latest and last embarrassment