
yeah you can be serious and stupid at the same time

it's a fucking ugly bitch. I want to stab  it to death, and then play around with its blood

So I haven't gotten laid in a while but uh, at least I didn't have sex with my mom.

I think it would complicate his attempts to hide his money in her name, though he likely has other avenues

i too want an answer to this question

Angela being a full-on lesbian makes Jimmy's "I'll be the person you want me to be" a bit less rote.  While we know it won't come true because it's never does when a character has to say it, it's also not going to come true for a more fundamental reason.  Jimmy is a man, and will never be the sort of person Angela

Hans the Shroeder?

I heard "cock" too but, idk, top-down processing or something maybe

Yeah I read it as genuine affection for Richard, but Jimmy's only capable of so much affection, and it's not nearly as much as Richard needs.

so there's like, velvet, in coffins right?

Which would produce more utility?  Allowing sophia to die so that the rest of the group may continue on, or KILLING EVERY BORING CHARACTER SO THAT WE CAN GET SOME FRESH MEAT IN HERE AND THE MILLIONS OF FANS CAN ACTUALLY WATCH THIS SHOW WITHOUT PULLING THEIR HAIR OUT!  I mean, I'm just, you know, as an intellectual,

I actually announced (to no one in particular) that I would stop watching if Daryl was dead.

i have yet to get a pairing that seems appropriate

I especially liked the rapid fire donna-chris exchange: 
Donna:you didn't tell that girl you love her did you!?
Chris: no, (cheerful guffaw) I'm not crazy

They're "indoor" kids

what's better than chevy chase alone in a room with an outlet, a screwdriver, and a bucket of paint?

so that's how?

the butt paradox

he's doing quite well as a meth head if his issues are technical

I read that as terror, of what Lucy might do now that she has money, and the realization that he can't keep her under his thumb w/ the promise of future remuneration—not that that was going to work anyway