Jaybird USA

I can't be bothered
to read all the comments on this shit, I think it is about twelve pages right about now. All I want to say is that I am a gigantic nerd, except about music. Thanks for enlightening me AVClub. Especially about Clipse. I am listening to the shit outta that album right about now.

Lizzie Exley!

I felt that way for the first three episodes, but I think that last night's started to tie things together. I have enough faith in the people who make this show that I'm not going to worry too much about where it is going but just enjoy the ride.

I was happy to see Lizzie Exley in this episode. I loved "Undeclared" and always smile when I see her. But what I really want to know is what happened to Monica Keena. So hot.

I thought that this episode was the best, so far, of this season. There was so much happening and at first the plotline of Sally and Grandpa Gene was heartwarming and bizarre (driving the car), then tragic. This was the first time that Mad Men has nearly brought tears to my eyes.

@Topsyjane: Yeah, I guess telling someone with cancer to shut up about it is pretty dickish, but then again, I have some asshole cancer survivors in my life who won't fucking shut up about it. So I guess my point is, cancer, hilarious.

And Wolfgang has shockingly white teeth, so I guess that is something to recommend him.

Every cook or chef I have ever met is a heavy drinker. The alcohol angle is the most obvious one to choose. Also, I am a cook. And the alcohol angle is the one I would have picked.

Michael Phelps will have to eat a Subway sandwich less than thirty minutes prior to the competition.

You can't serve raw shrimp to a pregnant lady!

Blood was streaming from my wiener. Does that count as crying, or should I go to a doctor?