Frat Guise

You had me at dysentery

Honey Boo Boo is not real, though Boo (the world's floofiest internet pomeranian) is quite real

Honey Boo Boo is not real, though Boo (the world's floofiest internet pomeranian) is quite real

Geezers - if you're not banging constantly, consult a psychologist

Geezers - if you're not banging constantly, consult a psychologist



A dude taking a ball to the nards while a goofy sound effect goes "sprooooing!" is silly fun, while a guy snapping his leg in half is not silly or fun.

A dude taking a ball to the nards while a goofy sound effect goes "sprooooing!" is silly fun, while a guy snapping his leg in half is not silly or fun.

How can you hate something so benign

How can you hate something so benign

My Little Pony:  Raping is Magic

My Little Pony:  Raping is Magic

^^^ Honeytits ^^^

^^^ Honeytits ^^^

Let's not turn this into an anonymous anonymousness pissing match

Let's not turn this into an anonymous anonymousness pissing match

You are a good man, and thorough

You are a good man, and thorough

Watch out u crotch bro ^