Frat Guise

Watch out u crotch bro ^

The length of the kiss wasn't ever the issue

The length of the kiss wasn't ever the issue

"I'm smug" - Gui Jambon

"I'm smug" - Gui Jambon

I've never understood the parents that kissed their kids on the lips.  Maybe it's a regional thing, but it always seemed pretty fucked up to me.

I've never understood the parents that kissed their kids on the lips.  Maybe it's a regional thing, but it always seemed pretty fucked up to me.

As a current English speaker, I'd just like to point out that you are all writing in English



That makes so much sense I'm freaking out

That makes so much sense I'm freaking out

My No Fear shirts are blowing minds.

My No Fear shirts are blowing minds.

You're either dumb as hell or in prison - which is it?

You're either dumb as hell or in prison - which is it?

Ripping someone's penis off is for rich women on diets.

I like the part where some goofus gets his nards whacked


I'm not breaking up a fight with a shirt on!