Frat Guise

As a (very passive) Royals fan, let me just say…

With Jesus on bass

Men be shoppin'
Women just want to drink beer and play video games

Don't you worry about blank, let me worry about blank

lets c his REAL brith cetificut~~!

"robots that transform into cars aren't really any more inherently badass than flying horses…"

That escalated quickly!


That was an amazing line - so simple, so in-character and yet so funny

Counterpoint:  PARKS BITCH

Someone think of the bazongas!

Objection!  Your honor, @avclub-7065e286d0939354f46b11340b75c51b:disqus is jackin' it!!

^ AustralianTourismBoard twitter follower

Oh man Toonses the driving cat, I loved those and had totally forgot about them

I have a name you dick

E: too late

^ truth

I'm here for the BOYFIGHTS

Don't watch Glee

Making fun of Jules' hair color?  Marrying a guy she hated for the money?  Not hugging her daughter before she left?