Frat Guise

Wait, what is Ellie's mom's side of things?

Laurie is the star of the show in my opinion - a lot of her folksy / goofy / ditzy non-sequitors would totally be terrible if it wasn't for her really convincing performances

I'm just helping her conceive, man.

Boy waffle*

It only shows up on the front page if you're currently wearing a top hat

mom, a narc

Daft Punk is being absent minded

I'm high all the time!!

Sounds like an Earthbound enemy

Redundant joke removed

^ Psychology major ^

Are you reposting reposts now?  I'm pretty sure I've seen that one already

Nothin' wrong with a bout of spirited raw dogging

Damn girl, that was so intimate

"(frightened by beaver alarm slaps)" has earned all of my likes (one)

I love mad libs

Full disclosure:  @avclub-951d3e731b6b2ac1e93cbba6e1b68e80:disqus is always thinking about tacos

@HDB:disqus  we've had the car conversation before, I was on the Accord side

Like @avclub-60967da750aba35e0195e947a836d0ef:disqus , literally the only thing that has changed with my increased salary is better bourbon.

^ didn't shower with the other boys in middle school after gym class