Frat Guise

If you like the more ballad-y, croon-y Soundgarden songs, it will definitely be worth a listen

I can't type good or say words good either, 'cause I'm a huge Soundgarden fan and my post makes it sound like I'm not.

Intoxicating aroma, firm texture, lustrous shine

To truly enjoy physical media packaging, you have to step over it every time to go to the bathroom.

Euphoria Morning

Lookit this guy, fully dressed over here!

Tim is a funny show you fuckin goblin

*sneaks up behind @avclub-454a7bfd685393329597fdb7a92b7969:disqus , pulls pants back up*

Well, it's been years since I read BM, but I remember the Judge used a howitzer (cannon) like a regular gun, not something a lanky guy could do unless he was beyond freakishly strong

Sgt. Lawbook:  What's that smell?

Even my dipshit friends that tend to like Big Bang Theory and whatnot have no interest in NCIS, has to be something to do with advanced age

I'm pretty sure my/all dad(s) watch NCIS because the old guy bosses around the younger, sexier…whatever they are (cops? investigators?  I seriously don't know)

They know all the different ways

I would say yes, except for your fantastic username / profile picture

I know you're not suggesting shit getting owned isn't the shit

Especially me!


"Hodor hodor." - Hodor

Wasn't the Judge described as being huge (7' tall, quite fat)?  That face doesn't look anything like that to me

@avclub-4c56756898d633b36107f305da70351d:disqus  stop stealing my dance moves