Frat Guise

Agent Cop T. Officer, Jr., reporting for duty

Chicken McBites

What if there are cats somewhere in the middle of the video, boy you would sure eat those words then

Thanks for the link you crafty sumbitch

Album stuff is meh?  10000 Hz Legend, Talkie Walkie, and Moon Safari?  That stuff is gold, start to finish

Coming soon - Newt Gingrich brand Freedom Scooter

Ah yes!  The writ of "dibs" applied to moon colonization, that guy was crafty indeed

Moon law trumps international law, and the first country to establish a moon colony gets to dictate moon law.

@avclub-4c03ca5c4fff62a145fd13ee5dca3a0f:disqus - I'm no sucker!  This next hand, I'm gonna score 100 points!

Gonna b a good hand yall!!! #fullhouse

Thanks for asking @avclub-f9dc5c1b905401733b9aaf49c03c071d:disqus , Rampart will indeed be an edge-of-your-seat thriller!

Are you saying I shouldn't yell "Yes!!!" and smugly look at my opponents when I get some good cards?

I fold!

Just Pictures of Cats, coming to NBC this fall

Pretty good ideas for hit NBC shows thread

^^^ classic F&S yeast story right here y'all! ^^^

I am also a recent uncle and I have read a book, do you want to be friends yes/no

Well, I think you probably made the right choice.

Why do you hate fun?  Is it because your turtleneck is too tight?

F- post, would not read again!!!!