Frat Guise

What about your old pal Frat Guise, I need some votes like a motherfucker

I wish Schall had more to do, but it was a pretty strong episode in my opinion.

I gave it an A- so if you want to be cool like me I suggest you do the same

Ok, I'll go first -

I like the band Delta Spirit
I like breasts

More like invisible hand-job, am I right

^ This is very interesting news

Stop pushing your pro-babysitter agenda you rich old bastard

Can't break up dirt for nothin'!!!

Fracking Fox Arrested

*Frat Guise scribbles down the following:*

True artists don't need to autotune their farts

That's an arbitrary quantification and I'll not have it

Needs more incomprehensibility bro

^ This is an excellent post

Like he could afford name brand body spray!

Stop looking at her molars you fucking perv

I gotta hole, but I don't know how much glory is in it.

True, but the Jerry / Elaine as children with a mean dad (Mr. Pitt) gag was fantastic.

"I came" - EvelKareebel